
Apeks quantum x review
Apeks quantum x review

I can stay down MUCH longer on a CCR - in some cases, hours. They can be more dangerous but if you use them properly, get properly trained, and use your brain then they are actually, in many ways, safer than open-circuit breathing for lots of reasons, but here's a few: I dive a Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) manufactured by a company called JJ. I wondered how long it'd take to get to the scare stories of rebreathers. One horror story among many: a device that reset itself to "off" when it got knocked." The disadvantage is that if the oxygen replenishment fails you die before you realise there is anything amiss. Advantages are much smaller tanks of compressed oxygen rather than air (8o% nitrogen), and no stream of noisy bubbles to scare the fish. These are bits of kit that take the air you breath out, scrub the CO2, add the oxygen back in, and let you breath it again. ".The really scary stuff was rebreathers. However, you still need time and depth as well. I now have a seperate contents gauge as well. 180bar suddenly dropped to 130 then 45 then back to 150 and the unit locked up. On a dive a few years ago I had the unit suddenly start displaying very odd content readings. With these computers they tend to decide your battery life is not allowed to go below 55%. Now, I actually had a problem with a different brand. In my case my computer also shows, via a little wireless transmitter, the remaining contents in my tank.Įssentially. Time until you need to make decompression stops. There is a massive amount of fiddle room when it comes to exactly HOW water tight they are. In the cold winter waters of British Columbia, Canada you DEFINITELY NEED two or three backups for everything! Our local waters ARE DANGEROUS as heck! Here, an unprepared diver is a dead diver even at 60 feet! Add in the extra technical difficulties of Nitrox, Trimix or Heliox and multi-level decompression stations, having MULTIPLE BACKUPS is and SHOULD be are very rarely as waterproof as they say. I noticed as a 220 foot+ deep diver he had TWO analog watches! You just slide the film-printed plan into the insert and even if he lost his slate, he still had a backup dive plan. I did notice he wore those fancy but fully waterproof analog watches on ALL his dives along with his computer and THAT was in the early 1990's!Īnother instructor would have one of those plastic see-through inserts on the left-forearm of his dry-suit so he could ALWAYS SEE his dive plan and stop/check times which he had laser printed on some plastic film. Re: Isn't that what the watches with the numbered bezels are for?īingo! Our PADI instructor was ADAMANT that even IF you have a computer, you use your slate with the decompression times/levels and a geographic dive plan with bottom stops to check your location with your dive buddies. If/when they need vehicle autonomy, they can buy the technology from someone whose first priority is safety rather than profits. There are other companies - Uber and Tesla come to mind - that seem to me to have demonstrated sufficient disregard for reality and common sense that yanking their driving licenses permanently seems to me to be advisable. But it's probably worth giving them a chance. I don't know whether they can achieve acceptable levels of safety in all sorts of driving conditions. There are companies - Waymo(Google) for example - that seem to be extremely conservative in their approach and which so far have a really good safety record. For the elderly, visually impaired, infirm and seriously ill., the benefits of reasonably safe autonomous vehicles seem very great. Keep in mind that autonomous vehicles are not just a tool for getting drunks home safely when the pubs close. What is at issue isn't whether they sometimes harm people and property but whether they do less harm and damage than cars driven by people. Autonomous cars are surely going to have accidents and are going to harm people and stuff. When they introduce self-drive cars you just know it will not end well for too many unfortunate people.

Apeks quantum x review